was quite surprised when the last kit arrived, February 15,
since I had not received an e-mail from ModelWorks advising
such. But very happy nonetheless.
There are a lot of parts in this kit, mostly tubing, fittings,
brackets, switches, and the like. The control panel looks very
impressive with the legend panel and the brass pressure gauge,
a little mixture of the new and the old. There are some nice
brass trim items; like the brass body trim and the brass pedal
surrounds. The brass dash bumper for the tiller is a nice touch.
The wicker basket to hide the burner is quite nice, adds to
the era of the car.
Also; there are several modification parts that will need to
be installed. New crank bearing flanges that will incorporate
the valve linkage. This modification will give our cars more
power according to ModelWorks after testing on the prototype.
There is a new brake pedal bracket to change the amount of leverage
against the brake master cylinder for better braking ability.
Also, the spring modification was included. I have already reported
on this build.
There are new rear axle half shafts with hubs and spacers,
these are stronger as the prototype had a bit of a rear axle
problem, the axle ends broke off, leaving the rear end of the
car in the dirt. Since ModelWorks doesn't want to see us getting
our rear ends dirty, they have supplied the new parts.
There will be a superheater for our boilers; hence a temporary
bypass tube is supplied so we can steam up if the superheater
doesn't arrive before that time. Also; not all the instructions
are included at this time but will follow up shortly, according
to the letter that came with the kit.
I know a lot of people were getting worried about the car getting
finished, and ModelWorks has had some corporate worries, and
the build is taking longer than originally anticipated, but
I would like to point out that ModelWorks has always done right
by they're customers. They are quite concerned and proud of
producing a quality piece. The craftsmanship of all the components
has always been top shelf. The facts that they were improving
the prototype and passing these improvements on without extra
cost is a tribute to they're dedication.
Since there is a lot to do, I will be reporting on the final
assembly in chapters and will have a lot of pictures. Final
Kit - Chapter - Engine Modification; will be my first attention,
as the engine must be finished before I can install the boiler.
pictures to enlarge
Home Kits
One and Two
Three and Four Kits
Four-B and Five
Caliper Correction
Kits Six and Eight
Seven Kit
Eight Kit Nine
Kit Ten Kit
Ten Addendum Kit Eleven
Kit Twelve Kit
Thirteen Kit Fourteen
Kit Fifteen
Year End Kit
Sixteen Leaf
Spring Modification
Kits Seventeen / Eighteen
Modification Boiler
Installation Burner
Fuel Line, Brake &
Throttle Pedal Installation Final
Kit Final Assembly
& Steam Up
Road Test & Modifications
Purge Modification